Thursday, December 5, 2013

Non-Traditional Portrait

1. Who did you choose to do a portrait of? Why did you choose that person?
My three brothers and myself, and I chose this photo becasue it means alot to me and the memory that we shared when we took the picture.
2. When brainstorming about this project how did you decide what would be the best materials to use to create it? Explain how your material choice impacted the look of your piece. Why was this so important. Explain.
At first I thought that my matericals would be checkers or chess pieces and then after thinking about the lines that I wanted I decided to go with paperclips to get smooth lines and get all the sizes that I wanted.
3. Describe the risks you took or that were involved in creating the project. What were the challenges you faced?
The risks I took involved was what I would use to make the paperclips stick to the paper and it posed a real challenge and then there was also how to get the pieces the shapes that I wanted which was very difficult.
4. How did your choices impact the look and feel of the piece? Did your choice of materials have any connection with the person you chose to represent? 
It had good contracts with my background, and it was simplistic despite how difficult it was to put together. No the materials do not have a connection with the people on the paper.

Sticky Situation

1. Explain how you developed your ideas for "Sticky Situation" 
 When thinking about my project I thought about the worst situations that could happen with showing repition and my top two ideas were a car that broke down with the nearest towns miles away, and my other idea was flight delays on chrismas eve so no one could get home.
2. Were you able to think outside the box when you were thinking about ideas? 
 Yes I was by having to find different situations that were unique then everyone else and by finding different ways of using repition in the artwork.
3. You were to incorporate repetition, rhytnm or pattern. How did you accomplish this?
 I incorperated repition from my chairs, tile floors, and the sign words saying "delay" over and over.
4. Describe your choice of media (acrylic, watercolor) and your challenges and successes while using it. 
 I used acrylic and I was never very good using this medium in past years, but all the same I think the more bold colors really emphasized my paintings features and made it look better.
5. How important were the mini lessons to the success of your final product?
They helped me  find my shading and made my knowledge on highlights better by bringing value to my painting.